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IMHCA Mentorship Program: Connect with a Like-Minded Counselor

One of the major benefits of membership with professional organizations is making connections and networking. With the current lack of in person events, IMHCA is adapting and has created a new initiative to encourage and help grow deeper connections between members during the pandemic and beyond. A mentorship program!

The mentorship committee works to match the professional interests of the new counselor with seasoned counselor volunteers within the organization. The chair of the committee will reach out to members twice a year to determine interest and match-ability. If you are interested in connecting as a mentor or mentee please submit the interest form at your earliest convenience.


Once the information is collected, the mentorship committee will reach out to new counselors and provide them with the contact information of the mentor they match to. It will be the responsibility of the mentee to schedule meetings. Mentorship can be on a variety of topics, from opening a business, conducting presentations, developing skills, writing, research, corporate work, etc. The logistics of the meetings (whether phone, email, Zoom, etc.), timeframe, and frequency of meetings will be determined by the mentor/mentee relationship.

Committee Volunteer Opportunities for IMHCA Members

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